Megan Cuzzolino

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Chicken or the egg

How's it going my loves? Happy to be here with you on these gorgeous early-summer days :) I hope you've been getting outside, soaking it in, and finding ways to PLAY. 

It can be easy to get caught in hustle mode, leaving our elusive "dream life" off in the future somewhere. I feel like summer is a great reminder for all of us to loosen up, be present, and do what we can, now. I'm sure I'm a bit of a broken record at this point, talking about not waiting to create your dream life but to start where you are, but alas I'm gonna do it again. Because for me it's a thing I need constant reminding of, too. 

There's a sort of chicken-or-the-egg thing that happens here, where we tend to think we'll finally start showing up a certain way when all the chips fall into place, so to speak. For example, we'll get in shape when we can go to the gym 5 days a week; we'll enjoy lazy Sunday mornings when we have a partner to enjoy them with; we'll save our money when we're making more money to be saved... 

Any of these sound like you? But what do you think comes first, the money to be saved, or the habit of saving? 

Here's the way the universe works: it gives you what you show you are ready for. So, if you dream of those lazy Sunday mornings with your sexy partner, cooking pancakes in your underwear and dancing in the kitchen, but right now your Sunday mornings are hectic, maybe you're working because you don't have anything "better" to do, and there are no pancakes anywhere to be found... are you really ready for that dreamy Sunday? You can show that you are ready by enjoying the morning in bed by yourself, treating yourself to a pancake feast; dance in your undies to your favorite tunes. Create your dream Sunday morning first, and the rest will fall into place when it's time. 

If you're wanting to work on your fitness but right now your schedule only allows for one workout a week, and you ideally want 5 - do you think all the sudden one day you'll have time and energy for 5? No, you start where you are, with what you've got. Maybe it's 20 minutes, and it grows to an hour; likewise once a week grows to 3 or 4 times. If right now you're not showing up at all in this way, why would the universe suddenly provide you with time or resources for daily workouts? 

And money - ohhhhh boy money - this one's a real sticky one for me. It's easy to think, "I'll save when I'm making more," or, "I'll get my accounts organized when it feels worth it," but - I know you already know what I'm going to say with this one - if you're not respecting the money you've been given now, then why would you seem fit for more? If you see your paycheck and all you can think is how it's not enough money - well who wants to give more of something to someone who's not appreciative of what they've already received? 

Maybe you want a dream house, the one you have is in shambles and you can't afford to repair it. Well, can you spruce it up a little, on the cheap? Can you at least call a contractor and get a quote? Can you save for one project, and then the other? Slap some fresh paint on the walls? Take care of the thing you already have, do your best with what you've got, and you'll get more. 

Try this exercise:

Write out your absolute dream lifestyle - make a list of all the elements, the ways you spend your time, the things you have, etc etc. Then, go through that list and cross out the ones you absolutely and definitely cannot do in any way or variation right now. Some things are, indeed, out of your control (for now). The remaining line items will fall into two categories: (1) things you can do now, and (2) things you can do to some extent now. 

A client of mine provides a great example of this: she dreams of working for herself and living a quiet life in the woods. She imagines her perfect day would begin with a coffee on the porch with her cat. Right now she works a corporate job in the city, but she can still make time for that morning coffee with the cat! Even if the setting and exact circumstances of the rest of her day aren't the full picture of what she wants, she’s one step closer to her dream by showing up how she wants, where she can.

Remember you are co-creating with the universe and you are never being punished. You're simply being given what you've proven you can handle. So, how can you start showing up now for the life you want? How can you incorporate the small things, and let them grow into the bigger things? How can you find ways to enjoy your life now, as it is, to show that you are grateful and ready for more?

Til next time ;)


p.s. reminder that prices for my 1:1 coaching program are going up in two weeks - if you've been kicking tires on working with me, now is a great time to start!! Click here to begin.