Megan Cuzzolino

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Manifestor's Morning Mindset

Hope you're hangin in there <3 While the state of the world still feels unbearably heavy, I'm happy to report that my mindset has been improving, and that's what I wanted to talk to you about today. 

I had a pretty slumpy last few months, and one thing that really started to stand out to me was where my mind went first thing in the morning. I noticed that I often start my day with a feeling of being "behind," or having already f*cked up somehow. My first thought when I wake up has historically been, "you shoulda gone to bed earlier!" and sometimes it's harsher, "another day you're gonna waste." Ouch. This of course wasn't something I was doing consciously, but as I look back I see the pattern and the limiting beliefs that pattern perpetuates, so I'm aiming to change it. Because while we may not be able to change our outside circumstances, we can work to change our mindset - and that's really all we have control over at the end of the day. This isn't about ignoring the realities or sadness in the world, but instead giving our brains a more balanced outlook, aka a fighting chance. 

Because remember the negativity bias? We are way more likely to ruminate on things we perceive as negative than we are to focus on things that feel more positive - it's science. It also can make us feel like we're "doing something about it" when we worry, even though it's unproductive. It's easier for our brains to run away with negative thoughts, like a stream that wants to flow where the rock has already been carved, and it takes effort to keep redirecting it the way we want it to go. But eventually, the rock gets carved in the new direction, and the old path becomes overgrown. 

Research shows that the thoughts you have when you first wake up can really set the tone for the rest of your day. If you've spent your life waking up to "you're not good enough" types of messages, you're gonna believe that pretty hard, and it might even become a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy (note: that's kinda what manifestation is, your deeply held beliefs proving you to be right). So instead of waking up to an immediate sense of dread, or feeling behind, or kicking yourself for what you did or didn't do the night before, what if we woke up and focused on what's working? Highlighting what's going well - even if lots of things aren't - and what we want to bring to the world that day?

Typically I journal first thing, and the opening line of my entries can get pretty redundant: I'm tired, I should have gone to bed earlier. Womp womp. So instead of that, I'm asking myself: what's going well for me right now? This, along with a few other prompts and reminders I wanted to build in, inspired me to create a printable worksheet! Click here to check it out - you can print it and use it precisely, or create your own version in your journal. Maybe every day you write just ONE positive thing on your whiteboard? Whatever works for you, let's try it, and see what we can manifest this month :) 
